The Waunakee Tribune provides this space free of charge each week to nonprofit organizations in the Waunakee area. Items for the Coming Events should be submitted in writing or emailed to before 10 a.m. Tuesday for the following Friday edition.
Sept. 16: Post 481 — Westport Fish Fry
American Legion Post 481 will serve a fish fry from 5-8 p.m. with deep fried or baked cod, a large walleye filet, jumbo shrimp or shrimp scampi. Choose baked potato or French fries, dinner include coleslaw, beans, bread, steamed vegetables and cookie. A full bar is available. The post is located at West River Road and Hwy. 113 next to Taylor’s Liquor Store. Dinners are served for dine in or carry-out. To order, call (608) 849-7480 starting at 3 p.m.
Wauktoberfest, Waunakee’s celebration of its German heritage, runs all weekend long at the Endres Manufacturing grounds on S. Century Avenue. Visit for a complete schedule of events.
The Waunakee Touchdown Club will host their annual tailgate for all youth football players on Friday, September 16th from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. The tailgate will be held next to the entrance of Warrior Stadium. Come enjoy great food and fun prior to the game!
Sept. 17: Youth Soccer Night at the Pitch
All 4K to 8th grade students are invited to Youth Soccer Night taking place on Saturday, Sept. 17th on the Warrior Pitch at Waunakee High School. The JV Purple/Varsity Reserve team plays at 5pm and the Varsity will play at 7 p.m., both against Madison West. All youth 4K through 8th grade students wearing their Waunakee Area Soccer Club jersey will get free admission. Halftime entertainment at the varsity game will include youth participation in a PK shootout against our very own Waunakee high school goalies. The concessions stand will be stocked with candy, popcorn, walking tacos, brats, hot dogs, pizza and more. In addition, the Kona Ice truck will sere their “Warrior” drink as well as others from 4-8:30 p.m. Varsity poster signing will be held after the game at approximately 8:45 p.m.
Sept. 18: IDEA Snack and Chat
The community is invited to join the Waunakee IDEA group to snack and chat on Sunday, Sept. 18, from 1-4 p.m. at Centennial Park, 901 S Holiday Drive, Waunakee. The Waunakee IDEA promotes inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility (IDEA) through community engagement. This is a family friendly event with snacks, games and icebreakers.
The WaunaFest Board will hold its regular meeting on Sept. 19, at 7 p.m. at Waun-A-Bowl, 301 South Century Ave. The purpose of the WaunaFest Board, Inc. is to promote, organize, and execute all matters related to WaunaFest. The purpose of the WaunaFest is to promote goodwill for the community, to benefit the people of the community, and to contribute to the wellbeing of the people of the community. All who are interested and would like to participate are welcome to come to the meeting. If you want to help and be part of an organization that gives back to the community, please come to the meeting. We are looking for a Second Vice President who assist the President and First Vice President. They preside at meetings in absence of the President and First Vice President. Also is a member of the Nominating Committee, Chair the Bylaws Committee and serve on committees assigned by President. Also looking for someone to take over the softball tournament. For more information contact Jim Pingel at (319) 493-1502 or
Sept. 20: Simon Winchester Author Talk
Join the Waunakee Public Library on Zoon on Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 1 p.m. for a conversation with prolific British-American writer, journalist, and consummate adventurer Simon Winchester. This talk will cover many aspects of his work across myriad fields of history, technology, and geology as well as the author’s personal expeditions, including his path to becoming the acclaimed.
Free COVID-19 vaccines will be offered Thursday, Sept. 22, from 1-4 p.m. at the Waunakee Senior Center, 333 S. Madison St. No appointments are needed. Available while supplies last are Pfizer (including the new Bivalent Pfizer 12+ vaccine), Moderna, Novavax. No ID or insurance required. Everyone 6 months and older is welcome. For those 6 months-17 year old, a parent or guardian must be present for the 1st, 2nd, or booster doses.
Sept. 22: Author Visit, Kristen Whitson /Jenny Kalvaiti
Join the authors at the Waunakee Public Library Thursday, Sept. 22 at 6:30 p.m. as they discuss their book, “We Will Always Be Here: A Guide to Exploring and Understanding the History of LGBTQ+ Activism in Wisconsin.” Explore Wisconsin’s history of LGBTQ+ Activism with a rich collection of examples of individuals across a wide spectrum of identities who have helped to empower others to make a positive change in the world.
Sept. 27: Trust: Author Talk, Hernan Diaz (Zoom)
Join the Waunakee Public Library on ZOOM, Tuesday, Sept. 27 at 3 p.m. for an afternoon with Pulitzer Prize finalist and PEN/Faulkner Award winner Hernan Diaz, author of “In the Distance and Trust.” Diaz holds a Ph.D. from NYU and edits the Spanish-language journal Revista Hispánica Moderna, at Columbia University.
Sept. 27: Girls Swimming Youth Night
Waunakee High School Girls Swimming will host a 2022 Youth Night on Tuesday, Sept. 27, from 6-8 p.m., at the Waunakee High School Aquatic Center. Free snacks and poster signing in the WHS Old Gym will follow the meet. All are welcome! Anyone with questions, can contact
The second-annual Waunakee Artisan Market (WAM) is a unique event combining food, music and local art on Oct. 1, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on the grounds of historic Schumacher Farm Park. Admission is just $2 which allows WAM to subsidize emerging artists’ expenses and provide scholarships to student artists. WAM is a unique juried non-profit art show with 45+ artists from diverse backgrounds, including 10 students, several emerging artists and many returning artists from last year’s event. Last year, WAM welcomed 800+ attendees. You will find a wide variety of art including jewelry, wood working, pottery, custom bags, glass, sculpture, textile art, photography, paintings, and more. In addition to art, WAM features music from Harlan Jefferson and Mark Croft, and food carts between the hours of 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. including Cafe Costa Rica, Jason’s Jerk Food, Salty Batch Bakery, Kona Ice, and Jakarta Cafe. Brats and beer will also be available to purchase.
The Knights of Columbus, Fathers William & Christian Nellin Council 6371 of Waunakee in conjunction with the “Wisconsin State Knights of Columbus” invite all boys and girls ages 8-12 to participate in its Punt, Pass & Kick contest. The contest will be held on Sunday, Oct. 2, at the field behind St. John’s School. Registration will begin at noon with competition set to begin at or around 12:30 p.m. Entry forms and rules, which cover the contest, will be available at registration, or you can contact Gerry Daniels for entry forms and rules in advance at or (608) 320-0721. There are no fees for any child entering the contest and no equipment such as uniforms, balls, or kicking tees are required. All contestants should wear tennis shoes as cleats or specialty shoes are not allowed. All equipment is provided. Winners and awards will be announced at the end of the competition. Winners will advance to the next level of district competition.
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